Udar Arogya - Herbal Treatment for All kinds of Gastrointestinal Problems like Flatulence, Indigestion, Constipation, Acidity
Stomachache is generally a term that refers to dull ache or cramps in the tummy (abdomen). It’s usually short-lived and not serious. Severe abdominal pain is a cause for concern that should be reported, especially if the pain lasts for a longer term in a specific area. Pain for a longer term needs to be assessed properly. The possible causes for this include:
- Constipation
- Urinary tract infection: A recurring pain occurs and you also feel burning sensation at the time of urination
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Conditions sustaining for longer-term such as ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease, inflammation of gut, etc.
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): A common condition causing stomach cramps, constipation or diarrhea. You often get relief after going to the toilet
- Other problems: Gastritis (inflammation of stomach lining), acid reflux, heartburn or stomach ulcer
In all the aforementioned situations, Ayurveda, the oldest and trusted branch of medicine works extremely well in curing the problem. Udar Arogya is one such boon of Ayurveda that relieves all kinds of stomach/gastrointestinal problems naturally. Udar Arogya is an all-natural combination of syrup and vati (tablet) that restores optimum intestinal balance, comforts stomach lining and prevents stomach problems. The rarest medicinal plant extracts present in Udar Arogya are:
These natural ingredients blend to provide a soothing effect to stomach and restore ideal body balance in a matter of few days.
Udar Arogya is syrup prepared with a blend of herbs providing instant relief from various symptoms including hyperacidity, flatulence and heartburn. This herbal tonic helps in improving the digestive function and the mixture of natural extracts act as a protector to the gastric mucosa from the harmful effects of stomach acid. Udar Arogya will also promote quick healing of the damaged tissues and restore the normal body functioning.
Udar Arogya, being a liquid formulation, allows fast absorption in the body and provides faster relief. It not only neutralizes acid formation in the stomach but also prevents secretion, thus protecting gastric mucosa. Udar Arogya syrup is a mixture of 9 different herbs, each carrying a unique property to protect the stomach from acids that disturb the normal functioning of the digestive system. These ingredients comprise of both sweet as well as bitter taste to help your body act against excessive hot natured vitiated pitta.
The sweet taste of herbs helps soothe the stomach lining from acid while the bitterness helps break the formation of sour bile in excess. Udar Arogya can be given for anti-inflammation so as to avoid the side effects of gastritis. Herbal ingredient present in Udar Arogya (especially kutki and kasundhi) provides quick relief from different symptoms such as hyperacidity, flatulence (gas), heartburn and abdominal distension, thereby improving the complete digestive function.
The powerful formula of Udararogya is divided into 2 forms :-
Udar Arogya syrup
Udar Arogya tablet (vati)
Order Now Herbal Udar Arogya : www.udararogya.com and Call now : 9229337811, 9229337813