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Udar Arogya Safe Home Remedy For Digestion

If you often feel bloated and uneasy, even after having a healthy diet, then you should try changing your eating habits. Combining the wrong foods together can cause indigestion, fermentation and gas formation. In some cases, it may even cause severe stomach problems.
Ayurveda has recommended some ground rules for the combination of food. The following are some important things you should be careful of for better digestion.
1. Fruits
Do not eat raw fruits with any other food items as raw fruits digest more quickly. This leads to fermentation, as well as indigestion. You can enjoy your seasonal fruit alone without having anything else with it. Also, be careful of eating fruit with milk or yogurt. Eating some fruits with dairy products can cause bloating. For example, eating dates with milk is fine, but avoid citrus fruits. You can combine fruits with similar properties, like mixed berries, or apples with pears.
2. Dairy
Dairy products are nutritious and well balanced. It is beneficial for our health and bones. But when it comes to meals, combining dairy can be a bad idea. You can use ghee with vegetables as it acts similarly to oil and is usually eaten in small quantities. But milk should be enjoyed alone for making it more digestible. You can add some spices like cardamom or cinnamon for making it easier to digest. Do not combine fresh yogurt and cheese with fruit, beans, meat, fish, eggs, milk, or hot drinks.
3. Beans and Lentils
Beans and lentils make a person feel gassy and bloated. But this depends a lot on how well they are cooked. Well-cooked beans and lentils with spices like turmeric, black pepper or ginger, are good for your tummy. But be careful of what you combine them with. Eating fruit, milk, cheese, eggs, yogurt, meat or fish with them can be harmful. A good combination is beans and lentils with grains, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
4. Raw food
Raw food often causes stomach problems as they are not easy to digest. It is still alright to have some raw food items in the afternoon as our stomach works well during that time and can digest raw foods more easily. But even if you are eat raw foods, do not combine them with cooked foods.
Other than these, if you’re still suffering from stomach problems, you can also look for ayurvedic medicines. Udar Arogya is an Ayurvedic Formula For Digestion that is made from a mixture of various specific herbs and natural ingredients that promote a healthy gastrointestinal system. It is an all-in-one solution that gives you the benefits of home remedies without any side effect. Udararogya is an Ayurvedic Home Remedy that uses completely natural ingredients to give you the most effective Indigestion Treatment possible.
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