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5 Tips For Healthy Digestion In Monsoons| Udar Arogya

Ever since all of us have been locked in our homes, overeating has become par of the course. And all this overeating is causing us to end up with digestive problems. So to have a good digestive system you can include some of the following foods to your daily diet. Consuming these foods can help your digestive system work healthily.

Chew on mint leaves: This is an age-old home remedy that is often suggested by our grandmothers. Chewing on pudina eases digestive issues and helps irritable bowel syndrome. According to experts, mint oil soothes and relaxes bowel movements.

Have citric juices: Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, pineapple and apple cider vinegar are very good for digestion. Have these juices around 20 to 30 minutes before you eat your meal. Indigestion is often a result of a lack of stomach acidity, and the natural acids in citrus fruits may be a fix. If you’re drinking orange juice to calm an upset stomach, do it before eating and never alongside carbohydrates — as this can cause more gas and discomfort.

Do not eat raw food: Raw food is not easy to digest and must only be eaten on a good and healthy stomach. If you have stomach issues, it’s best to avoid raw salads and sandwiches. These contain cellulose and are fibrous in nature which makes it  harder to break down. It’s better to eat cooked vegetables, khichdi and soups. These will avoid straining your stomach.

Have a bowl of curd: Curd has live bacteria that facilitates digestion. According to numerous studies, people who suffer from chronic constipation benefit greatly if they had probiotic supplements every day.

Prefer rice instead of rotis and naans: Rice is lighter and easier to digest compared to rotis. It has low fibre and it does nor make your system work too hard. Plain steamed white rice is a very good meal to have when you are suffering from digestion problems.

Have bananas:  It is one of the easiest to digest fruits and is ideal for when you’re overeating. This sweet, pulpy fruit has soluble fibres that helps in reducing diarrhoea. Bananas have high content of potassium and they help the digestive system function smoothly.

Other than these, you can also look for ayurvedic medicines for your digestive issues. Udar Arogya is an Ayurvedic Treatment For Stomach Problems that is made from a mixture of various specific herbs and natural ingredients that promote a healthy gastrointestinal system. It works by forming an alkali environment to neutralize excess acid present in the stomach. It is an all-in-one solution that gives you the benefits of home remedies without any effort. Udararogya is an Ayurvedic Home  Remedy that relies on completely natural ingredients to give you the most effective Treatment possible.

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