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Udar Arogya: A Trusted Brand for Every Stomach Problem Irrespective of Age

Stomach cramps, a common complaint, refers to different kinds of sensations or symptoms in the stomach. The bean-bag of your body encapsulates an array of components within to keep the whole digestive process optimized. Often referred to as abdominal cramps or stomachache, the causes of pain are varied. Organs formulating a unified whole of your abdomen include stomach, liver, colon, pancreas, gall bladder, intestines & pancreas; thus, problem with any of these may directly lead to stomach pain. Few common causes of abdominal pain arising from gastrointestinal tract are:

Food poisoning
IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
GERD (Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease)

One-stop solution to all of these problems is available in the holistic branch of science, Ayurveda. Thanks to the nature’s cure to treat the root cause of each problem. Udar Arogya is one such ayurvedic medicine for gastrointestinal problems namely acidity, gas, constipation, flatulence, nausea & many more. It is a unique combination of proven herbal digestives including giloy, rasna, kutki, kasaundi, pittapapara, ashwagandha, etc. that soothe complete digestive system by enabling optimum secretion of digestive juices & enzymes, stimulating food absorption & neutralizing acid secretion.

" आयुर्वेद का वह चमत्कार है जो बरसों से पेट और उससे जुड़ी बीमारियों के हल में प्रभावकारी रहा है । प्राचीन अनुसंधान और बनाने के विशिष्ट प्रक्रिया के कारण उदर आरोग्य न केवल प्रभावी है बल्कि सुरक्षित भी है  और  यह आपके पाचनतंत्र को तरोताज़ा कर देता है। शुद्ध और असरकारी बूटियाँ लक्षणोंके साथ बीमारियोंका भी समूल उपचार करती है और उन्हें पुन: लौटने से रोकती है । उदर आरोग्य दक्षिण भारत के परंपरागत आयुर्वेदिक संस्थान की वर्षो पुरानी औषधि है जो समय के साथ पूरे भारत में पहुँची और पेट की बीमारियों में रामबाण मानी गयी ।  "

 Udar Arogya is an effective laxative that restores normal functioning of your digestive process without any further side effects. It promotes appetite and helps achieve your weight management goals. It is one of the best natural remedies for those who consume spicy, fatty & refrigerated foods on regular basis. It corrects imbalance of vata, pitta and kapha & helps intestinal flora function properly in the intestines. This will help prevent diarrhea, constipation & other commonly faced problems.

Note: Udar Arogya is non-habit forming.

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