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Udar Arogya: A Trusted Ayurvedic Medicine for Acidity, Gas & Constipation |

Stomachaches are generally the result of eating inadequate or too much food. Repeated stomachaches may result from constipation, colic or urinary tract infection. Additional symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or blood in the stool may result in chronic illness such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease or celiac disease. There are different symptoms by which you can classify stomach cramps. For instance, if your stomach cramps have suddenly started due to diarrhea, the problem may be gastroenteritis. This directly relates to bacterial function in stomach. Gastric problems (gas) can occur due to infection or food poisoning. In case of repeated abdominal cramps & diarrhea, the problem may continue for longer term such as irritable bowel syndrome.

" आयुर्वेद का वह चमत्कार है जो बरसों से पेट और उससे जुड़ी बीमारियों के हल में प्रभावकारी रहा है । प्राचीन अनुसंधान और बनाने के विशिष्ट प्रक्रिया के कारण उदर आरोग्य न केवल प्रभावी है बल्कि सुरक्षित भी है  और  यह आपके पाचनतंत्र को तरोताज़ा कर देता है। शुद्ध और असरकारी बूटियाँ लक्षणोंके साथ बीमारियोंका भी समूल उपचार करती है और उन्हें पुन: लौटने से रोकती है । उदर आरोग्य दक्षिण भारत के परंपरागत आयुर्वेदिक संस्थान की वर्षो पुरानी औषधि है जो समय के साथ पूरे भारत में पहुँची और पेट की बीमारियों में रामबाण मानी गयी ।  "

Udar Arogya is an ayurvedic treatment for gas, acidity & constipation that helps cure them permanently. It is a one-stop natural cure for all gastrointestinal problems irrespective of the age & severity. Formulated using all-natural rare medicinal extracts such as nirgundi, kutki, kasaundi, giloy, akarkara, rasna, haldi, ajwain, etc., it soothes whole digestive process without any side effects. It has multiple advantages as: lubricating the passage carrying fecal matter to the intestines, stimulating liver to function properly & protecting digestive lining (gastric mucosa).

For further information, visit  & Contact no 09229153060

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