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7 Simple Home Remedies For Acidity And Heartburn | Udar Arogya

If you’re an adult, there’s at least one instance when you found yourself plagued by abdomen acidity. It is also likely that this episode came on as a result of indulgence of an excessive amount of on those spicy foods, however acidity occurs for variety of reasons.

Instead of relying on antacids and other medication, there are several safe home remedies for stomach acidity that are just as effective, and in some cases better. So it’s is better to go the natural route and take a look at a number of these:

Home Remedies For Stomach Acidity (Heartburn)

1. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an alcalescent forming compound, i.e. although it’s acidic outside the body it acts like an alcalescent once consumed. Daily consumption of a teaspoon or 2 of apple cider vinegar is good practice to avoid excessive abdomen acidity.

2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera juice contains a cooling impact that relieves the extraordinary burning related to heartburn. It also facilitates neutralization of the stomacha acid, and thus relieve your symptoms.

3. Baking soda
Baking soda neutralizes the acid made by the abdomen and brings an end to the discomfort quickly. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water and drink first thing in the morning.

4. Chamomile Tea
Sometimes people develop acidity as a result of stress or anxiety, and not in response to the food they consume. This agitation leads to an increase in the secretion of stomach acid which may trigger symptoms of heartburn.
Chamomile tea is a natural relaxant and sedative that works by decreasing the secretion of this acid within the abdomen. It is also a really effective natural stress remedy.

5. Mustard
This is more a method of prevention rather than treatment. Use natural mustard seeds, and boil them in water for consumption for best results.

6. Fennel Tea
Fennel tea has a soothing impact on the abdomen, that is why it’s widely used for heartburn relief. It assists, neutralizes and suppresses the assembly of stomach acid.

7. Udar Arogya
Udar Arogya Ayurvedic Product For Stomach Problems is a very effective cure for acidity and heartburn. It is made from a mixture of various specific herbs in their purified form to promote the general wellbeing of the gastrointestinal system. Udar Arogya provides relief from 4 major stomach problems, namely Constipation, Hyperacidity, Indigestion, And Excess Gas Production.

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