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Home Remedies for Acidity in Summer| Udar Arogya

One often suffers from acidity during summers. Acidity is mainly because of long gap between meals, excess intake of spicy food and large amounts of caffeine in the form of tea/coffee. So, to avoid chances of acidity during the hot days one should include these foods in their diet. Some of the common symptoms of acidity include frequent burping, vomiting sensation and bloating too. Here are some home remedies for acidity in summer:
1. Coconut Water:

Nariyal Pani is loaded with anti-oxidant properties that help flush out toxins from your body. It is also rich in fibre content and helps in regular bowel movements.

2. Papaya, Banana and Bael (Wood-Apple): 

Banana has natural antacid properties. Papayas contain enzymes that improve digestion and reduce heartburn. Wood apple or Bael- native shows positive effects on digestive health.

3. Cold Milk, Butter Milk And Yogurt:

Buttermilk contains lactic acid that normalizes acidity in the stomach. Milk helps stabilize gastric acids in the stomach. It is rich in calcium, which prevents the build-up of acid in the stomach. Buttermilk contains lactic acid that normalizes acidity in the stomach.    

4. Regular exercise:

A brisk walk or riding a stationary bike are vertical positions help reduce acidity. It is seen that consistent Yoga practice can cure acid reflux and gas to a great extent.

5. Attack the root cause of acidity:

Maintain a food diary specially in the summer months to prevent acidity and other stomach problems. Herbal medicine for indigestion and gas, Udar Arogya, is packed with unmatched remedial properties. Udararogya offers anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties for instant and long-lasting relief from acidity. It is the best ayurvedic treatment for constipation, gas, acidity and indigestion. It comes in the form of syrup and tablets, it prevents stomach problems without any side effects.

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